The Coorparoo and District RSL Sub-Branch Inc was formed in 1935, with the RSL Charter awarded on 19 August 1935. The Sub Branch celebrated its 85th Anniversary in 2020. On moving in the early 1960’s to its current location, from the Coorparoo School of Arts and Memorial Hall and RSL Sub Branch building it’s home since 1956, the Sub Branch has evolved, capturing the community need for involvement, to include a community club and has maintained operations ever since.

In addition to ADF Members, Veterans and their families, the Sub Branch supports local schools, local community, youth groups also interacting and providing support to other community groups such as National Seniors, Rotary, Legacy and Meals on Wheels.
The provision of community support and a club that embraces community participation is a keystone in our vision for the future of the Coorparoo RSL and Community Club. The support that the local community provides us and the services that we provide to the community makes us a community asset which we wish to grow.
The Sub Branch has 209 members with the club side adding around 2000 members and has cycled through over 10,000 club members since the introduction of the current membership system.
The vision for the future of the Coorparoo RSL and Community Club is to maintain our Sub Branch Charter and provide a Community Club, that is a place people freely choose to come to, are pillars for our future.
Merv Cuylenburg
Tracy Rossow
General Information
Information for members
Coorparoo and District RSL Sub-Branch meet at Coorparoo RSL and Community Club, 45 Holdsworth St COORPAROO.
Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday in the month commencing at 5:30 pm. Social activities are held throughout the year.
Any change to meeting dates will be communicated via email or post.
RSL provided support is available or can be organised through the Sub Branch.
Pensions and Advocacy support is available through the Sub Branch.
Coorparoo RSL and Community Club can be contacted on
07 3397 9955
Want to know more about our Sub-Branch?
Please contact us below